Integration of Music in Teaching and Learning the Concept of Chemical Bonding

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Jessa Claire J. Pairat
Nel Grace T. Tiñajora
Leemarc Alia
Baby Eve N. Asequia
Rizza Paz S. Onganiza


Traditionally, chemical bonding has been a challenging concept for students to grasp. This study explores the effectiveness of integrating music into the teaching of chemical bonding among Grade 9 students at Lugait National High School. Using a non-equivalent experimental design with 60 students, the study compares traditional and music-integrated teaching methods through pre-test and post-test assessments. The results show that the integration of the Music method significantly outperforms the Traditional Method, with 50% of students achieving outstanding performance compared to 73.33% falling below the expected level in the traditional approach. Statistical analysis confirms a substantial difference in post-test scores, favoring the music-integrated method. Both methods demonstrate a significant improvement in science proficiency, with the integration of the Music method showing a more significant and impactful enhancement. The study suggests that integrating music not only enhances science proficiency but also contributes to sustained improvement compared to traditional methods. Recommendations include further longitudinal studies, diverse music genres, styles, interactive activities, and continuous feedback to optimize music-integrated learning alignment with diverse learning needs. For more details, refer to the full study.

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