Roles and Duties of Authors 

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Authors must not submit the article which has been previously published for dissemination or is pending on the evaluation from other journals.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Authors must prepare the article correctly and completely according to the suggestions as specified by the journal.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Authors must put the references every time when the information, figures or others owned by other persons have been taken to use for their own accomplishments and will not copy much data unreasonably.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Authors must be granted the consent by all co-authors to submit the article for the publication in the journal.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Authors must comply with the rules and regulations as specified by the journal, and if there is a violation or non-compliance, the authors must respect the decision of the journal and will not conduct any appeal or claim.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Authors must not search for the data of the reviewers from the journal because the evaluation of the article follows a procedure of Double-blind peer review in order to prevent the problem of dissatisfaction in the assessment.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Authors must accept the decision from the journal in every case.


Roles and Duties of Editors 

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Editors have a duty to evaluate the quality and have the decision power to accept or reject the article for publication.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Editors must be neutral in the quality assessment, the article assessment must be decided without personal prejudice whether the article received for the assessment will be owned by anyone, and will not reject the publication without reason, must use reason and accuracy under academic principles for decision only, which must be considered carefully before making a decision every time.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Editors must not seek for any personal benefits or conflicts of interest from the authors, experts or other persons.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Editors must not publish the article in their own journals.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Editors must accept the publication when the procedure has finalized only, and will not issue an acknowledgement of acceptance before the assessment process will end.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Editors shall not strictly disclose the data of the authors or the experts of the quality assessment to irrelevant persons.


Roles and Duties of Reviewers 

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Reviewers must have competency and expertise in the field that must be assessed so that the article has been evaluated according the most academic principles.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Reviewers must study from the data and instruction of the journal in order to be able to evaluate correctly.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Reviewers must not seek for any personal benefits or conflicts of interest from the authors, or other persons who are related to the article to the article.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Reviewers must give the opinions honestly and do not use bias in the assessment.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Reviewers must check the overlap of the research whether it has been copied or overlapped with other researches or not.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Reviewers must not search for the data of the reviewers from the journal because the evaluation of the article follows a procedure of Double-blind peer review in order to prevent the use of bias in the assessment.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Reviewers must have a responsibility and not abandon work, moreover, must evaluate and send the work back at the specified time including should not send it late without reasonable cause.

Check Mark Tick Icon Transparent PNG & SVG Vector Reviewers can suggest information sources or documents that are related to the research article to the authors.