Pathumwan Institute of Technology Personnel Require Assistance with Intellectual Property Protection Requests
Personnel, Requirements, Register a parent, Intellectual PropertyAbstract
This research aims to analyze two things: 1) the differences in support needs for implementing intellectual property protection requests across all study groups, and 2) the differences in support needs for implementing intellectual property protection requests between five study groups, namely academic staff, faculty of Science and Technology academic personnel, Faculty of Engineering academic support personnel, Division Director and Head of Office academic support personnel, Head of Division and academic support personnel at the worker level, in the field of staff reliability service, and support from the Pathumwan Institute of Technology. The research will be conducted by designing a scale assessment questionnaire with three levels of Likert Scale. The questionnaire has passed quality checks for tool quality, structural compliance (construct validity), and content accuracy (content validity) by a subject matter specialist. The requirements for processing protection requests for the intellectual property of a total of 185 study groups will be compiled, the survey results indicate that all the groups surveyed have a high level of confidence in the credibility of staff services and the need for support from the Pathumwan Institute of Technology. An analysis of the differences in support needs for implementing intellectual property protection across the three areas was performed using Friedman's Two-way Analysis of Variance by Ranks. The results showed that the support needs for implementing intellectual property protection were significantly different for all three groups at 0.05 sigficance level. Additionally, an analysis of the differences in support needs in carrying out a request for personnel intellectual property protection among five study groups in each of the three areas was conducted using Friedman's Two-way Analysis of Variance by Ranks. The results revealed that the need for support in implementing intellectual property protection for personnel at Pathumwan Institute of Technology differed significantly among the five groups at 0.05 sigficance level. The study suggests that Pathumwan Institute of Technology should allocate funding for a training program and workshop on intellectual property protection for personnel, tailored to the needs of the five different groups. Furthermore, the institute should establish a framework for the implementation of intellectual property protection for personnel based on their specific support needs.
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