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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This article is my own article or it is my article and those named in the work and have received the consent of those named in the work to submit articles for publication.
  • An article submitted for publication must not be an article that has previously been published in any journal and must not be an article being considered by another journal.
  • The journal reserves the right to accept only articles formatted as specified by the journal, and the editorial team reserves the right to produce a printed journal for publication as appropriate.
  • Articles, texts, illustrations and tables published in this journal are the personal opinions of the contributors, the editors are not obligated to agree and are not responsible for it. It is the responsibility of the contributor.

Author Guidelines

The Social Science and Humanities Research Bulletin publishes academic and research articles that contribute to the advancement of academic knowledge and provide a forum for the communication of academic perspectives. The journal covers content in Humanities and Social Sciences, Education, Arts, Music, Languages, Literature, Management Regular work to research (R2R) and other related fields. Scheduled to publish 3 issues per year: Volume 1 January - April, Volume 2 May - August, and Volume 3 September - December. The journal will welcome submissions in two formats: academic articles and research articles. Every article that has been accepted for publication (Research articles and academic articles) have already been considered by at least 3 experts (double-blind reviewer) and the editorial team. Articles submitted for consideration for publication in the Social Science and Humanities Research Bulletin must not have been previously published in any journal and are not currently being considered by other journals. Preparing a manuscript for publication should follow the following guidelines.

Preparing manuscripts for research and academic articles

1. Language:  Thai or English. For English articles, manuscripts should be checked for accuracy by an English language expert before submission.

2. Manuscript: Prepare the manuscript according to the format specified by the journal and save the file as .docx. Details of manuscript preparation can be found in the journal's template.

3. Submitting manuscripts: Author can submit manuscripts online through the thaijo system at index.php/HASS


1. Research Article

1.1 Title: It should be short, concise, and convey the main goals of the study. Do not use abbreviations. The length should not exceed 100 characters.

1.2 Author's name and address (Footnotes indicate the agency or institution, address, and e-mail of the coordinating author.)

1.3 Abstract: It is a short content that is easy to read and understand. Get the complete essence of the article including the objectives, research methodology and important research results. The abstract should be written in a single paragraph and range from 150 to 300 words.

1.4 Keywords: 3-5 words

1.5 Introduction: Identify the origin and significance of the problem. Literature review and research objectives

1.6 Research methodology: Specify details of materials, equipment, and characteristics of the sample studied. Describe the study methods, statistical experimental plan, sampling, data collection methods and data analysis methods.

1.7 Results: Display research results in order of the topic of the research methodology. Appropriate charts, tables, or illustrations can be used to accompany the presentation of research results.

1.8 Discussion and conclusion: Discuss the findings and summarize all the main points of this research.

1.9 Acknowledgments: Indicate if you have received funds or assistance for your research from any individuals or organizations (if any).

1.10 References: Use APA style citations. Details on writing reference documents can be studied from the journal's template.

- For tables and pictures, there must be a short description that can convey the meaning completely. In the case of a table, the description must be at the top. In the case of a picture, the description appears underneath.

- The author can choose an appropriate topic for the article, such as adding a research framework, objectives, acknowledgments, or separate discussions and conclusions, while ensuring that the content is complete in accordance with the research methodology.

- In-Text Citations: In the name-year system, in-text references contain the name of the author(s) and the year of publication

Ex.      (Smith, 2009)

Details on writing In-Text citations can be studied from the journal's template.

2. Academic articles

The presentation topic can be tailored to the content by following the same template as a research article.

2.1 Title: It should be short, concise, and convey the main goals of the study. Do not use abbreviations. The length should not exceed 100 characters.

2.2 Author's name and address (Footnotes indicate the agency or institution, address, and e-mail of the coordinating author)

2.3 Abstract: It is a short content that is easy to read and understand. Get the complete essence of the article including the objectives, research methodology and important research results. The abstract should be written in a single paragraph and range from 150 to 300 words.

2.4 Keywords: 3-5 words

2.5 Content (Authors may adapt topics to the content)

2.6 Conclusion

2.7 Acknowledgments: Indicate if you have received funds or assistance for your research from any individuals or organizations (if any).

2.8 References: Use APA style citations. Details on writing reference documents can be studied from the journal's template.

- For tables and pictures, there must be a short description that can convey the meaning completely. In the case of a table, the description must be at the top. In the case of a picture, the description appears underneath.

- In-Text Citations: In the name-year system, in-text references contain the name of the author(s) and the year of publication

Ex.      (Smith, 2009)

Details on writing In-Text citations can be studied from the journal's template.

- Authors should submit the original manuscript in electronic format comprising 4 files as follows:
File 1: Microsoft Word file (.docx) containing complete details according to the format of Social Science and Humanities Research Bulletin.
File 2: PDF file containing complete details according to the format of Social Science and Humanities Research Bulletin.
File 3: Microsoft Word file containing complete details according to the format of Social Science and Humanities Research Bulletin, except for the author's name, affiliated institution, and acknowledgments.
File 4: PDF file containing complete details according to the format of Social Science and Humanities Research Bulletin, except for the author's name, affiliated institution, and acknowledgments.

Download Journal Template template(eng)

Note: If any article has lost contact with the journal for more than 4 months (120 days), the journal will request to remove the article from the consideration process.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.