The Development of Learning Pattern of Blended Teaching Style SPECPA Model to Develop Learning Achievement Physics 4 for 11th Grade Kongthongwittaya School Students
development of learning pattern, SPECPA Model, learning achievementAbstract
The results of the research were as follows: 1) to develop learning pattern of blended teaching style SPECPA Model, 2) to develop learning achievement physics course 4 for 11th Grade Students, and 3) to study satisfaction learning pattern of blended teaching style SPECPA Model. The samples employed in this study included forty 11th grade students from Kongthongwittaya School by purposive sampling. The instruments were online lesson, lesson plans, achievement test, and student satisfaction questionnaire. Some statistical devices employed for data analysis and presentation included mean and standard deviation. The research results indicated the following. 1. Learning pattern of blended teaching style SPECPA Model consisted of the working PDCA principles, blended with online and on-site self-paced learning. The efficiency of blended teaching style SPECPA Model was at 75.08/75.50 which was higher than the 75/75 criteria. 2. The average score and standard deviation (S.D.) in learning achievement by blended teaching style SPECPA Model were 86.08 and 12.01 respectively. Students who achieved better grades were 37 out of 40 students. It accounted for 92.50 percent which was higher than the criteria set by the educational institutions. 3. Satisfaction of learning pattern of blended teaching style SPECPA Model was the average score of 4.61. It revealed that students were satisfied with learning pattern of blended teaching style SPECPA Model at the highest level.
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