The Effects of Role-Playing Activities Accompanied by Storytelling on Enhancing Focus and Attention in Kindergarten Year 2/1 Students at Klongbangnamjued School


  • Nutchanat Noiarsa Faculty of Education, Dhonburi Rajabhat University


role-playing activities, storytelling, focus and attention


This research aims to compare the focus and attention of Kindergarten Year 2/1 students before and after participating in role-playing activities accompanied by storytelling. The target group consisted of 35 Kindergarten Year 2/1 students at Klongbangnamjued School. The research instruments used for data collection included 24 lesson plans for role-playing activities with storytelling designed to enhance focus and attention, and an observation form for assessing the students’ focus and attention. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The research findings indicated that the development of focus and attention in Kindergarten Year 2/1 students was significantly higher after participating in the role-playing and storytelling activities compared to before the activities.


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How to Cite

Noiarsa, N. . (2023). The Effects of Role-Playing Activities Accompanied by Storytelling on Enhancing Focus and Attention in Kindergarten Year 2/1 Students at Klongbangnamjued School. Dhonburi Rajabhat University Education Journal, 1(2), 61–71. retrieved from



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