Community Needs and Participation to Nature-Based Tourism Development in Guiuan, Eastern Samar, Philippines


  • Jordan Cabaguing Eastern Samar State University Guiuan Campus, Philippines


Nature-based tourism, community participation, Community needs, community-based tourism development, tourism planning, Guiuan, Eastern Samar, Philippines


This research explored the relationship between community needs, participation, and challenges in nature-based tourism development. The study focused on understanding how infrastructure, livelihood opportunities, services, and environmental conservation impact community participation in tourism planning, decision-making, and implementation. Using a researcher-made survey instrument, a total of 115 respondents from community members, leaders, and tourism operators participated in the study. The results showed that addressing community needs significantly enhances nature-based tourism development. Significant challenges such as limited financial resources, insufficient training, inadequate infrastructure, and lack of stakeholders’ collaboration were also highlighted in the results. A positive relationship between community needs and participation was computed. This indicates that addressing the needs of the community can enhance their participation in nature-based tourism development. Likewise, a positive correlation was observed between community needs and challenges in participating in nature-based tourism development suggesting that addressing these needs can lessen communities’ challenges in participating in nature-based tourism. Theoretically, the study emphasizes community empowerment as a tool for sustainable tourism practices. This ensures that tourism development aligns with local priorities, leading to a more sustainable and equitable outcome. By adopting these strategies policymakers, and tour operators, site developers can foster sustainable and inclusive nature-based tourism development that will not only benefit the tourism sector but the community in general.

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How to Cite

Cabaguing, J. (2024). Community Needs and Participation to Nature-Based Tourism Development in Guiuan, Eastern Samar, Philippines. ASEAN Journal of Management & Innovation (AJMI), 11(2), 15–32. Retrieved from