Web Application Saiboon
web applications, merit making, donations, system developmentAbstract
This research aimed to 1) to develop the SAIBOON web application, (2) to evaluate the quality of the SAIBOON web application by experts, and (3) to assess user satisfaction with the use of the SAIBOON web application. The sample group used in this research was divided into 2 groups which were 3 system development specialists (experts) by purposive sampling, and 210 users who like to make merit by donating money, got them by choosing according to convenience. The research tools included a checklist for evaluating the quality of web applications for experts, and a questionnaire on the satisfaction of the sample group with the developed web applications. Data analysis used mean, and standard deviation.
The results of the research found that (1) the SAIBOON web application has a system operation divided into 3 parts according to user groups: administrators, general users, and member users. It is a system that can work on all platforms and on unlimited devices. It is convenient for those who like to make merit in the form of donations to be able to donate both money and things from anywhere, anytime, and can follow the donation process through the system at all times. (2) The results of the quality assessment of the SAIBOON web application by experts found that most of the system's functions are actually usable and efficient. Finally, (3) The results of the evaluation of satisfaction with the use of the SAIBOON web application by the average user were at a high level in all 3 aspects: system usage, work efficiency, and design and formatting.
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