The guidelines to develop an academic administration in teaching and learning management based on the Innovation of professional learning community (plc) of wat mueang sart school


  • kittiphat thongdee WAT MUEANG SART SCHOOL


1. Development guidelines; 2. Academic administration; 3. Professional Learning Community (PLC) Innovation Principles


This research article is a qualitative research study. It has the following objectives: 1) To study the state of academic administration in teaching and learning. of Wat Mueang Sat School Mueang Chiang Mai District Chiang Mai Province 2) To find guidelines for academic administration in teaching and learning. The Innovation of the professional learning community of Wat Mueang Sat School Mueang Chiang Mai District Chiang Mai Province

          The Research found that Current conditions from teachers' teaching arrangements. It was found that teachers still lacked skills in teaching and learning using Active Learning. Lack of exchanging knowledge and providing feedback to improve and develop learning management. Teachers lack inspection and assessment of learners and are not consistent with learner differences. and teachers lack the ability to use the PLC process together with teachers within the school or teachers of other schools or other agencies.   

          Results from the synthesis guidelines for academic administration in teaching and learning. The Innovation of the professional learning community of Wat Mueang Sat School Mueang Chiang Mai District Chiang Mai Province It was found that 1) every teacher should be encouraged to manage learning through the thinking process. and actually practice that learners can apply in their lives Learners are inspected and assessed in accordance with their differences. 2) Teachers should use the PLC process together with teachers within the school or teachers from other schools or other departments. Design the learning management process using Active Learning. and 3) the PLC process should be established with teachers from different schools as well. To exchange knowledge on innovation in learning management with agencies, organizations or external networks. This is done by using the professional learning community elements of Hord (1997). and of the Office of the Basic Education Commission Let's combine and synthesize them together. In order to give teachers encouragement and continue to carry out PLC activities to be effective according to the school's goals.


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How to Cite

thongdee, kittiphat. (2024). The guidelines to develop an academic administration in teaching and learning management based on the Innovation of professional learning community (plc) of wat mueang sart school. JOURNAL OF LANNA RESEARCH REVIEW, 5(1), 28–36. retrieved from



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