
  • Saithip Penkhun Chiang Mai Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development


keep the precepts, ealing the mind


This article aims to: 1) to study the precepts of Theravada Buddhism 2) to analyze the precepts and to keep the mind. The results of the study show that the precepts of Buddhism are divided into 5 types. Results of the study showed that the precepts of Buddhist are divided into 5 categories; The Five Precepts is the major part of the Buddhist practices to become more self-discipline. Observing the Precepts is a way to gain mastery of the mind. The Eight Precepts are precepts based on the five precepts. Eating limited time relieving the pleasures of entertainment or pleasure, sensory pleasures, and refraining from using luxurious mattresses. The Ten precepts are the precepts of young people ordained as novices and are regularly treated. The Two hundred - twenty seven precepts of the monks are the Buddhist discipline in which the rules, prohibitions for men who ordained as monks in Buddhism must be strictly observed and the Three hundred - eleven precepts of the nuns it is a Buddha's commandment that is a taboo for ordained women.

The precepts are a tool to create orderliness in living. And coexistence in society and is regarded as the basic rules of importance in society so that people can live together well Not encroaching on each other. Precepts and good behaviors are something that should be done continuously and consistently because it will make our lives happy and fulfillment, or if we are faced with serious problems or obstacles in life, it will make us conscious and prudent in resolving those problems and allowing us to use our wisdom to work and make progress with our lives and families fully and happily




How to Cite

Penkhun, S. (2021). TREAT THE MIND BY PRECEPTS. JOURNAL OF LANNA RESEARCH REVIEW, 2(2), 10–16. retrieved from



Academic Article