Journal of Innovation, Advancement, and Methodology in STEM education <p><strong>ISSN: 3027-8392 (Online)</strong></p> <p><strong>Journal of Innovation, Advancement, and Methodology in STEM Education</strong> supported by ASEAN Research Network on STEM education. The "Journal of Innovation, Advancement, and Methodology in STEM Education" or Journal of IAMSTEM (J-IAMSTEM) encompasses a wide range of topics and research areas within the field of practicing science education, practicing mathematics education, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) education. This journal serves as a platform for scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners to share their insights, findings, and innovations in the realm of STEM/STEAM education. Journal of IAMSTEM aims to foster a rich and diverse discourse in the field, promoting research-based practices and innovations that contribute to the improvement of STEM/STEAM education at all levels. It encourages collaboration among educators, researchers, and policymakers to advance the quality and accessibility of STEM/STEAM education worldwide.</p> <p>The <strong>Journal of IAMSTEM</strong> provides an academic platform for work in the fields of science education, mathematics education, and STEM/STEAM Education. All published articles are academically reviewed by at least 3 peer reviewers. The Journal of IAMSTEM publishes 6 issues annually. These include Issue 1 (January - February), Issue 2 (March - April), Issue 3 (May - June), Issue 4 (July - August), Issue 5 (September - October), and Issue 6 (November - December).</p> en-US (Chokchai Yuenyong) (Suphanat Siri-aisoon) Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:13:21 +0700 OJS 60 Development and Validation of Bite-Size Videos in Teaching Earthquakes among Grade 6 Learners <p>Education is changing, which is reflected in the incorporation of STEM and the development of digital scientific discourses, which are both manifestations of the changes currently occurring in the educational system. This study highlights the incorporation of STEM education through Bite-sized video, or BSV, a type of micro-video deemed interesting due to its concise and clear format. Relevant content is efficiently 'chunk-ified' into digestible informational bites. The development of BSVs for teaching earthquakes was a collaborative effort, with the six Grade 6 teachers handling Science playing a crucial role. Their insights from the pre-assessment and suggestions on how to improve existing videos were instrumental in shaping the BSVs. The need to implement interventions, such as creating a brief contextualized interactive video, ideally under ten minutes, with a Filipino speaker speaking with the usual pacing and using simple words, was identified. Furthermore, the BSVs on earthquakes were developed based on the Multimedia Development Life Cycle model by Luther incorporated with the Multimedia Principles to improve the conceptual understanding of earthquakes, which was revealed as one of the least learned competencies for Grade 6 in Science. The developed BSVs were evaluated by a panel of evaluators as 'Excellent' ((M = 3.61) in terms of content, cognitive load, engagement, and technical design. Revisions were also made based on the suggestions of experts. By offering a visually stimulating, dynamic, and interactive method that aids in the comprehension of intricate geological ideas and processes, the development of BSVs about earthquakes elevates STEM education. This, in turn, adds to the learners’ conceptual understanding, fostering a sense of community among educators.<br>Keywords: Bite-Size Videos, Multimedia Principles, STEM, Development</p> Musliha Salic, Joy Magsayo, Monera Salic-Hairulla, Jun Karren Caparoso, Ellen Castro, Sotero Malayao, Jr. Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Innovation, Advancement, and Methodology in STEM education Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Applying the TPACK Framework to Enhance Instructional Design for High School Students in Surin Province: A Needs Analysis and Improvement Strategy <p>Developing effective instructional methods is crucial for teachers to enhance students' skills and content understanding. In this study, we surveyed the instructional design needs of high school students in Surin province using the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content and Knowledge) framework. The study aimed to achieve two primary objectives: (i) to implement TPACK-based instructional methods and assess their effectiveness in enhancing students' learning skills, and (ii) to identify strategies for adapting the instructional design to the specific educational context of students and schools in Surin province. A 35-item initial questionnaire was distributed to 160 high school students. Following reliability tests, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis, the questionnaire was refined by reducing the number of items per subscale and improving the model fit. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the internal relationships among the components. The final 28-item TPACK questionnaire was validated as a reliable tool for assessing high school students' TPACK. Additionally, the observed relationships between knowledge components supported a transformative interpretation of the TPACK model, inspiring new perspectives and approaches in instructional design. The survey results also revealed students' preference for technology-integrated teaching methods, providing valuable insights for developing instructional designs emphasizing learner engagement, ultimately leading to more enjoyable and effective educational experiences.</p> Choojit Sarapak, Prayut Kong-In , Phana Jindasri, Vasanchai Kakkeaw, Amnuay Wattanakornsiri , Jutamas Yoomark, Chalao Sumrandee, Kaniknun Sreejivungsa, Nattaphorn Malingam , Sriprajak Krongsuk, Thodsaphon Lunnoo Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Innovation, Advancement, and Methodology in STEM education Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Eco-Friendly Basket: A STEM Project of Recycling Banana Stem <p>Eco-friendly products have become popular due to raising environmental concerns. This project aims to recycle banana stems into eco-friendly baskets and promote awareness of recycling organic material. This study was designed based on Sutaphan and Yuenyong (2019) context-based STEM education learning approach which consisted of 7 stages including (1) Identification of social issues, (2) Identification of potential solutions, (3) Need for knowledge, (4) Decision-making, (5) Development of prototype or product, (6) Test and evaluation of the solution, and (7) Socialization and completion decision stage. Applying the STEM education learning approach enhances students’ creativity and problem-solving skills. This project of recycling banana stems is essential to transforming non-value raw materials into eco-friendly products. The eco-friendly baskets are usable, attractive, and at the appropriate cost. Furthermore, teachers should integrate STEM education in their classrooms to promote effective learning activities, and this project could inspire people to recycle the raw materials in their current situation.</p> Somaly Sav, Putheary Mom, Sokunthea San, Soksan Rat, Sreynich Uy, Sreypov Sun, Nanet Srun, Sam Ol Kong, Kimsron Srieng Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Innovation, Advancement, and Methodology in STEM education Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Ethnostem Content in Making Jenang Kudus a Science Learning Resource for Junior High School Students <p>Implementing meaningful learning for students is a challenge in science learning in junior high schools. One solution is integrating the ethnoSTEM approach to connect science concepts with local culture. This study aims to analyze the ethnoSTEM content in the production process of Jenang Kudus as a source of science learning on additives in junior high schools. The study used a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection through observation, interviews, documentation, and literature studies. The research sample involved 15 people from a population of 36 workers at the Jenang Kudus Garuda and Kharisma production houses in the Kudus Regency. The results showed that the manufacture of Jenang Kudus integrates science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with local wisdom. The production process uses natural ingredients such as glutinous rice flour, brown sugar, coconut milk, and natural thickeners, which support students' understanding of natural and artificial additives. Using modern production tools such as mixers and flour grinding machines increases production efficiency, reflecting the elements of technology and engineering in ethnoSTEM-based learning. The process of making Jenang Kudus can be an effective source of science learning, support STEM literacy, and preserve local culture, thus motivating students to understand and apply science concepts in everyday life. This study is limited to providing learning resources in the form of ethnoSTEM content in the production process of Jenang Kudus. Further research is needed to analyze the influence of the ethnoSTEM approach on science learning outcomes and the development of learning tools and media that support the ethnoSTEM approach in junior high school science learning.</p> Sulasfiana Alfi Raida, Irma Yuniar Wardhani, Aulia Dina Kharisa , Noor Handayani Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Innovation, Advancement, and Methodology in STEM education Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Effects of Inquiry-Oriented Modular Instruction on Grade 10 Students’ Science Inquiry Processes Understandings, Scientific Explanation Construction, and Conceptual Understanding in Selected Biological Concepts <p>This study examined the effects of Inquiry-Oriented Modular Instruction on Students’ Science Inquiry Processes Understandings, Scientific Explanation Construction, and Conceptual Understanding in Selected Biological Concepts. Using quasi-experimental design, 210 students from four intact sections enrolled at the Marawi City National High School in the school year 2021-2022 constituted the control and experimental groups of research participants. Six validated researcher-made instruments namely, scientific inquiry-oriented processes understanding test (SIPUT), scientific explanation construction test (SECT) and conceptual understanding test (CUT), and interview guide questions were used to generate the data. T-test for paired samples, Chi-square and Pearson r were employed to establish significant differences between scores obtained by the two groups on the variables at 0.05 level of significance. Findings showed that there were no significant differences between the mean scores of the control and experimental groups on the levels of understanding of the scientific inquiry-oriented processes test, scientific explanation construction test and conceptual understanding test before the intervention. The null hypotheses then were accepted at p=0.05. After the intervention the mean scores obtained by the two groups on the three tests were found to be significantly different from each other, with the experimental group obtaining higher means scores, thus the null hypotheses were rejected at p=0.05. In conclusion, science inquiry-oriented modular instruction was effective in raising the levels of understanding of the learners in the scientific inquiry processes, scientific explanation construction and concept understanding of the biology concepts. Given these findings, the teaching approach should be used more often to facilitate learning science.</p> Nurlailah Manoga, Salamah Indad Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Innovation, Advancement, and Methodology in STEM education Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700