OF LANNA RESEARCH REVIEW2024-09-03T08:49:08+07:00ผศ.ดร. อุเทน ลาพิงค์kunten2002@yahoo.comOpen Journal Systems<p><span class="C9DxTc ">วารสารล้านนาวิจัยปริทรรศน์มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อส่งเสริมการศึกษาค้นคว้าและเผยแพร่บทความวิจัย บทความวิชาการ โดยเน้นสาขาวิชาพุทธศาสนา ปรัชญา ศึกษาศาสตร์ มนุษยศาสตร์ รัฐศาสตร์ รัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ ภาษาศาสตร์ การศึกษาเชิงประยุกต์ พัฒนาชุมชน รวมถึงสหวิทยาการอื่น ๆ </span></p> strategies of presentation technique in the youth literature “look mai klay phan”2024-08-10T14:38:42+07:00Phatthanant<p>The objective of this research article was to analyze the strategies for presenting the plot in the youth literature, “Look Mai Klay Phan” by "Chandra Rasameethong". The research results found that: Literature for youth, “Look Mai Klay Phan” by Chandra Rasamithong, opens with a conversation between a father and his son. Used the strategy of proceeding in calendar order. Tell the story by using the first and third person perspectives. The strategies for using tone of voice used of 3 types of tones were found: using tones of mockery, sarcasm, sarcasm, tones of joy, and tones of sadness, loneliness, and dejection. Presenting the theme through the actions of the characters. and close the story in a happy and dramatic way.</p>2024-09-02T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF LANNA RESEARCH REVIEW study of social reflections in short story collections phan waen fah award: winner of the year 20212024-08-10T14:35:05+07:00Paphitchaya<p>This research article its purpose is to studied of social reflections in short story collections Phan Waen Fah Award: Winner of the year 2021, titled “Mue Yen” by the Office of the Secretariat of the House of Representatives, consists of 13 short stories.</p> <p> From the research results there found 7 social reflections, in descending order as follows: the most common was family social reflection in relation to good relations and family problems, followed by social economic reflections that affect people's way of life in society. Social reflection in politics and governance in democracy and attitudes of Thai people towards politics and governance. Social reflection on language culture the use of rhetorical words, expressions, Thai idioms, loan words-transliteration from foreign languages in the writings was found. A reflection on society's values reflect material and spiritual values. Social reflection in education It reflects the learning style in both secondary and tertiary levels. and teaching management that is suitable for current learners and social reflection on traditions only reflected the tradition of making merit on the anniversary of death Because with the content in the literature of Phan Wan Fah, this year 2021 is a collection of short stories about political literature. Therefore, there is not much reflection of society in terms of traditions.</p>2024-09-02T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF LANNA RESEARCH REVIEW guidelines to develop an academic administration in teaching and learning management based on the Innovation of professional learning community (plc) of wat mueang sart school2024-08-10T14:43:58+07:00kittiphat<p>This research article is a qualitative research study. It has the following objectives: 1) To study the state of academic administration in teaching and learning. of Wat Mueang Sat School Mueang Chiang Mai District Chiang Mai Province 2) To find guidelines for academic administration in teaching and learning. The Innovation of the professional learning community of Wat Mueang Sat School Mueang Chiang Mai District Chiang Mai Province</p> <p><strong> </strong>The Research found that Current conditions from teachers' teaching arrangements. It was found that teachers still lacked skills in teaching and learning using Active Learning. Lack of exchanging knowledge and providing feedback to improve and develop learning management. Teachers lack inspection and assessment of learners and are not consistent with learner differences. and teachers lack the ability to use the PLC process together with teachers within the school or teachers of other schools or other agencies. </p> <p> Results from the synthesis guidelines for academic administration in teaching and learning. The Innovation of the professional learning community of Wat Mueang Sat School Mueang Chiang Mai District Chiang Mai Province It was found that 1) every teacher should be encouraged to manage learning through the thinking process. and actually practice that learners can apply in their lives Learners are inspected and assessed in accordance with their differences. 2) Teachers should use the PLC process together with teachers within the school or teachers from other schools or other departments. Design the learning management process using Active Learning. and 3) the PLC process should be established with teachers from different schools as well. To exchange knowledge on innovation in learning management with agencies, organizations or external networks. This is done by using the professional learning community elements of Hord (1997). and of the Office of the Basic Education Commission Let's combine and synthesize them together. In order to give teachers encouragement and continue to carry out PLC activities to be effective according to the school's goals.</p>2024-09-02T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF LANNA RESEARCH REVIEW Guidelines for Developing The Managemant of The Student Care and Support System of Samakkhi Wittayathan School in Wat Chedi Luang, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province2024-09-03T08:48:29+07:00PHRAKHRUSIRIMAHACHETIYANUKUL -thitinmn123@gmail.comPhramaha Sakun<p>This article research aimed to : 1) to study the current situation of administering the student care and support system, and 2) to study the guidelines for developing the administration of student care and support. This is qualitative research with two main groups of informants: semi-structured interviews and focus groups.</p> <p> The research results are as follows:</p> <ol> <li>Current status of student care system administration In terms of student screening, it was found that counselors screened students based on information obtained from the process of getting to know each student individually. Then, the information about the students was organized into 3 groups: normal group, risk group, and problem group. In terms of student promotion and development, it was found that counselors promoted and developed all groups of students by organizing homeroom activities every morning and holding parent-teacher meetings. In terms of student promotion and development activities, there are 2 main activities: life skills development activities and learner development activities.</li> <li>Guidelines for developing student care system administration In terms of student screening, schools should have a work plan or project. Teachers in schools should be developed to have knowledge of using tools to screen students. The same standard screening criteria should be used. There should be supervision, monitoring, inspection, and evaluation using various methods. In terms of student promotion and development, schools should have clear appointment or assignment orders. Teachers should have knowledge of homeroom activities. The activities should survey student needs and there should be monitoring and evaluation of student promotion activities.</li> </ol>2024-12-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF LANNA RESEARCH REVIEW FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING MANAGEMENT USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHERS BANNAMPHRAE SCHOOL2024-09-03T08:49:08+07:00JIRAPONG<p>The objectives of this research were : 1) to study the management conditions of teaching and learning using information technology among teachers at Ban Nam Phrae School. 2) to locate the guidelines for teaching and learning management using information technology for teachers at Bannamphrae School, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province. The research period is from January to April 2023.It was qualitative research. The group of 15 main informants consisted of one school director and 14 teachers. The research tools used were interview frameworks and focus groups. The data analysis was a content analysis. The results of the data analysis were written in a descriptive summary.</p> <p> The results of the research were as follows :</p> <p>1) The conditions of teaching and learning management using information technology for teachers at Ban Nam Phrae School, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province, found that the school lacked policy clarity on the planning of teaching using information technology. The school lacked information technology development staff, leaving teachers lacking knowledge, understanding, or the ability to use information technology to manage teaching. Teachers are unable to design learning activities, develop learning media, and apply technology for maximum benefit in learning management. This makes student learning less effective than it should be.</p> <p> 2) There were guidelines for teaching and learning management using information technology for teachers at Ban Nam Phrae School, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province, as follows: <br /> 2.1) The administrators established networks both inside and outside the school to jointly formulate policies to develop teaching and learning management using teachers' information technology in a systematic way.</p> <p> 2.2) Developing information technology personnel by organizing a forum to exchange knowledge within the educational institution (PLC), having performance reviews (AAR), and promoting teamwork to help each other in information technology, etc.</p> <p> 2.3) The school created an academic network of teaching and learning using information technology, established an information technology center (ICT Center) with IT-specialized staff in charge, and provided technology knowledge and skills to teachers, students, and communities.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF LANNA RESEARCH REVIEW FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING MANAGEMENT BY USING THE FOUR IDDHIPADA PRINCIPLE TO UPGRADE LEARNING PROFICIENCY OF WIANGHAENGPARIYATSUKSA SCHOOL2024-09-03T08:48:09+07:00Phichailuk<p>The objectives of this article research were: 1) to study the issues related to learning management administration at Wiang Haeng Pariyat Suksa School, Wiang Haeng District, Chiang Mai Province, and 2) to develop guidelines for learning management administration using the Four Iddhipada Principles to Enhance the academic achievement at Wiang Haeng Pariyatti School. This is a qualitative research study, with the primary informants consisting of 9 individuals, including 1 school director, 1 deputy school director, 4 operational teachers, and 3 experts/representatives from the school committee. The research tools used were a structured interview framework to ensure systematic interviews and group discussions. Data analysis was conducted using content analysis.</p> <p> The results of the research are as follows.</p> <p> 1) Problems in Learning Management: the weaknesses and limitations of Wiang Haeng Pariyat Suksa School, Wiang Haeng District, Chiang Mai Province, can be grouped into four major issues. The primary issue affecting learning management was the lack of effective participation by teachers and staff in the policy-making process and learning management. There was insufficient integration of participatory principles in the ongoing management of learning. Furthermore, the school’s vision, goals, strategies, and standards related to learning management were unclear, which was a critical issue that required urgent attention.</p> <p> 2) Learning Management Using the Four Iddhipada Principles to Enhance Academic Achievement at Wiang Haeng Pariyat Suksa School was found to include the following: 1) Policy formulation in the school’s learning management process by integrating participatory processes of personnel in accordance with the Four Iddhipada principles, and 2) Teaching management and teacher preparation by enhancing learning management skills and solving learning management problems, following the Four Iddhipada principles, which included Chanda (desire or enthusiasm), Viriya (effort or perseverance), Citta (mindfulness or focus), and Vimamsa (critical thinking or wisdom).</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL OF LANNA RESEARCH REVIEW