The Guidelines for Developing The Managemant of The Student Care and Support System of Samakkhi Wittayathan School in Wat Chedi Luang, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province


  • PHRAKHRUSIRIMAHACHETIYANUKUL - Samakkhi Wittayathan School
  • Phramaha Sakun Mahaviro Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Phrakhruvititsasanatorn - Mahamakut Buddhist University


Management guidelines, student care and support system, Samakkhi Wittayathan School, Wat Chedi Luang


This article research aimed to : 1) to study the current situation of administering the student care and support system, and 2) to study the guidelines for developing the administration of student care and support. This is qualitative research with two main groups of informants: semi-structured interviews and focus groups.

               The research results are as follows:

  1. Current status of student care system administration In terms of student screening, it was found that counselors screened students based on information obtained from the process of getting to know each student individually. Then, the information about the students was organized into 3 groups: normal group, risk group, and problem group. In terms of student promotion and development, it was found that counselors promoted and developed all groups of students by organizing homeroom activities every morning and holding parent-teacher meetings. In terms of student promotion and development activities, there are 2 main activities: life skills development activities and learner development activities.
  2. Guidelines for developing student care system administration In terms of student screening, schools should have a work plan or project. Teachers in schools should be developed to have knowledge of using tools to screen students. The same standard screening criteria should be used. There should be supervision, monitoring, inspection, and evaluation using various methods. In terms of student promotion and development, schools should have clear appointment or assignment orders. Teachers should have knowledge of homeroom activities. The activities should survey student needs and there should be monitoring and evaluation of student promotion activities.


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How to Cite

-, P., Mahaviro, P. S., & -, P. (2024). The Guidelines for Developing The Managemant of The Student Care and Support System of Samakkhi Wittayathan School in Wat Chedi Luang, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province. JOURNAL OF LANNA RESEARCH REVIEW, 5(1), 37–47. retrieved from



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